Jag prenumerar på Dr Izabella Wentz nyhetsbrev och i dem står mycket intressanta att läsa. Det som kom under natten handlade om vikten av att inte äta gluten och något som kommer från kossan. Eftersom jag också konstaterat ett mycket bättre mående utan detta vill jag sprida det Dr Wentz skriver.
In a recent survey of my readers, I found that 72 % were gluten-free! Yay- this made me so happy, as gluten is a huge trigger for Hashimoto’s, and getting off gluten improved symptoms in 88% of those who implemented a gluten free diet! In some cases, gluten free can single-handedly reverse Hashimoto’s (symptoms, antibodies and need for thyroid medications can go away)… if that’s your root cause.
But there are other root causes besides gluten. For most people, it’s not as simple as getting off gluten.
This article is going to focus on the second most common food trigger – dairy. Only about 40% of you reported being dairy free, yet 57% reported that they suspected being dairy sensitive.
The most common ways people feel their reactions to dairy include: gut reactions (like bloating, diarrhea and acid reflux), as well as lung reactions (coughing, asthma, sinusitis, postnasal drip, mucous) and skin (eczema, rashes, acne).